Utagawa Kunisada 歌川 国貞 (1786-1865 )

Signature : Toyokuni ga (Toshidama cartouche)
Aratame censor seal (XII/1853-XI/1857)
Date 1854/VIII
Publisher : Hamadaya Tokubei
Ref. Marks 21-196/088 ( unserialized actor prints)
From left: Arashi Rikan III, Bandō Shūka I and Ichikawa Kodanji IV as
Jirai Tarō (地雷太郎), Hitomaru Oroku (人丸お六) and Tenjitsubo (天日坊) in
the theatre „Azuma kudari gojūsan tsugi“, performed at the Kawarazaki theatre.
Hankyu Bunka inventory numbers: 2380-01, 2380-02 and 2380-03.
Estampe triptyque japonais circa 1854
Dimension 76,5 x 36,4cm